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Information on the Lecture Series

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Knowledge of current higher education didactic concepts is important and necessary in order to provide students with up-to-date content and thus support their academic success in the long term.

For this reason, the Office for Quality Managementmore is offering more higher education didactics resources and introduced the lecture series "Hochschuldidaktik im Fokus" which began in Summer Semester 2014. It provides teachers with the opportunity to gain further qualifications in the field of higher education didactics, to discuss current concepts in higher education didactics and to collect new ideas for their courses.

The lecture series takes places every semester and is for both young academics (PhD students, newly-appointed professors) and university professors with many years of experience in teaching. Experts from the field of higher education didactics discuss current topics, such as:

  • media didactics,
  • problem based learning,
  • competency-based testing and evaluation,
  • gender perspective in teaching and
  • langauge-sensitive teaching.

Suggestions and requests regarding relevant questions on higher education didactics from teachers are welcome.

Subsequent discussion rounds enable fruitful exchange between colleagues. In this way, a space is created where  concepts of higher education didactics are reflected upon allowing for new insights and ideas to flow into one's own teaching practice.

Past Events and Materials


Vom kleinen 1x1 zu den großen Fragen: Ein mediendidaktischer Blick auf offene Bildungsressourcen (OER)
with Jun.-Prof. Dr. phil. Sandra Hofhues

Presentation Jun.-Prof. Dr. phil. Sandra Hofhues
Blog and Video

Reading: Hofhues, S. (2015). Offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) an Universitäten und Hochschulen: Plädoyer für eine didaktische Sicht. Wikimedia Blog. Blog from 27th July 2015.  (28.06.2017)

Diversität in der Lehre - Lehren, Lernen und Prüfen unter Diversitätsbedingungen an Hochschulen
with Prof. Frank Linde
Presentation Prof. Linde
Presentation DiVers-Tool

The DiVers-Tool can be found at

Further informarion on the theme of diversity at the University of Cologne can be found at (Department of Gender & Diversity Management).

Kreativität in der Hochschullehre: Wie lässt sich die Kreativität von Studierenden fördern?
with Dr. Tobias Haertel
Material: Presentation Dr. Haertel

Das Problem ist die Lösung?! Problembasiertes Lernen (PBL) als hochschuldidaktische Alternative
with Dr. phil. Antonia Scholkmann
Material: Presentation Dr. phil Scholkmann

Coaching - der individuelle Weg zu einer neuen Lehr- und Lernkultur
with Dr. Albrecht Hatzius
Material: Was ist "gute Lehre"? - 19 Prüfsteine

Mediendidaktik - Lehren und Lernen mit Medien
with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Aßmann
Material: Presentation Jun.-Prof. Dr. Aßmann

Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung für eine veränderte Lernkultur
Opening lecture with Prof. Dr. Margret Bülow-Schramm
Material: Presentation Prof. Dr. Bülow-Schramm
