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Our Prizewinners

Siri Strømsnes (Department of Scandinavian and Finnish Studies) and Dr. Beate Abel (Department of English I) were awarded the Teaching Prize 2017 for their excellent engagement in teaching by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof Monika Schausten. (image: Marlène Tencha)

The teaching prize is awarded to teachers who have achieved the best results in their teaching evaluation in the respective academic year. This is measured by the highest student satisfaction. The following criteria are taken into account when selecting the winners of the teaching award: the overall grade as well as the number and type of courses offered and the number of participants are taken into account. Since all subjects of the faculty are evaluated on a regular basis, all teachers - irrespective of their status - have a chance of winning the prize. The award ceremony takes place on Faculty Day or within the framework of a faculty sitting.

Here you will find a list of the teaching award winners since 2006:




Dr. Beate Abel, Department of English I

Siri Strømsnes, Department of Scandinavian and Finnish Studies



Marie Bellec, Department of Romance Languages

Dr. Monika Tautz, Department of Catholic Theology


Dr. Tanja Weber, Institute of Media Culture and Theatre

Prof. Dr. Thomas Nisters, Department of Philosophy


Dr. Kirsten Schindler, IDSL II

Frank Kirchhoff, IDSL I


Rebecca Buchbender, Department of English I

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Richter, Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology


Dr. Gwennie Debergh, Institute for Dutch Language and Literature

Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Ullmann, Department of History

Prof. Dr. Andreas Michel, Department of Catholic Theology


Dr. Georg Sachse, Institute for Linguistics

Cristina Mondaza Peral, Department of Romance Languages


Dr. Ingo Breuer, IDSL I

Dr. Angela Mielke, IDSL I

Prof. Dorothea Schulz, Ph.D., Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology


PD Dr. Salvatore Ortisi, Archaeological Institute

Matthias Schumacher M.A., Department of Classical Studies


Dr. Michaela Ripping, Institute of Slavic Studies

René Michaelsen M.A., Institute of Musicology


Prof. Dr. Gerrit J. Dimmendaal, African Studies


Prof. Dr. Marja Järventausta, Finnish Studies

Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Lehrpreisträger*innen seit 2006:


Prof. Dr. Nils Reiter, Institut für Digital Humanities

Maria Magdalena Stüttem, Katholische Theologie


Dr'. Silke Hackenesch, Historisches Institut

Prof. Dr. Thoralf Schröder, Archäologisches Institut

Prof'. Dr'. Claudia Sode, Institut für Altertumskunde


Prof. Dr. Stephan Köhn, Ostasiatisches Seminar (Abteilung Japanologie)

Kleopatra Goularas, Englisches Seminar I

2021Prof. Dr. Ralph Jessen, Historisches Institut

Dr'. Sophie-Luise Mävers, Kunsthistorisches Institut

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil, Institut für Medienkultur und Theater

Dr'. Agnes Blümer, ALEKI/Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II


Dr'. Angela Mielke, Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Speer, Philosophisches Seminar


Dr'. Lotte Weinrich, Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II

Dr. Andreas Pastoors, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte



Dr'. Beate Abel, Englisches Seminar I

Siri Strømsnes, Institut für Skandinavistik/Fennistik


Marie Bellec, Romanisches Seminar

Dr'. Monika Tautz, Institut für Katholische Theologie


Dr'. Tanja Weber, Institut für Medienkultur und Theater

Prof. Dr. Thomas Nisters, Philosophisches Seminar


Dr'. Kirsten Schindler, IDSL II

Frank Kirchhoff, IDSL I


Rebecca Buchbender, Englisches Seminar I

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Richter, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte


Dr'. Gwennie Debergh, Institut für Niederlandistik

Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Ullmann, Historisches Institut

Prof. Dr. Andreas Michel, Institut für Katholische Theologie


Dr. Georg Sachse, Institut für Linguistik

Cristina Mondaza Peral, Romanisches Seminar


Dr. Ingo Breuer, IDSL I

Dr'. Angela Mielke, IDSL I

Prof'. Dorothea Schulz, Ph.D., Institut für Ethnologie


PD Dr. Salvatore Ortisi, Archäologisches Institut

Matthias Schumacher M.A., Institut für Altertumskunde


Dr. Michaela Ripping, Slavisches Institut

René Michaelsen M.A., Musikwissenschaftliches Institut

2007Prof. Dr. Gerrit J. Dimmendaal, Institut für Afrikanistik
2006Prof'. Dr'. Marja Järventausta, Fennistik
