Evaluations with ILIAS

Have you ever wondered how students would rate your courses? And have you asked yourself how you could evaluate your courses yourself without much effort?
The QM Office provides standardised surveys in German and English for this purpose. You can upload the surveys to your ILIAS courses as online surveys. You can adapt the individual questions as you wish. You can also add new questions or delete questions. You can find out how to do this in the following video tutorials.
Please save the following ZIP files first to your computer so that you can upload them afterwards to your ILIAS survey (please make sure not to unzip the ZIP file but to upload the entire ZIP folder under "Import file"):
A preview of the survey in PDF-format can be found here:
Further information as well video tutorials (in German) about general use of ILIAS is availableon the ILIAS Website.
ILIAS-Support is available to help you with any questions regarding the setting up of or/and adminstration of your ILIAS surveys.
For questions regarding content, please email philfak-elearninguni-koeln.de.
For technical problems, please email the ILIAS-Helpdesk: ilias-helpdesk(at)uni-koeln.de.